Leadership presence

Nineteen extraordinary leaders are looking in my direction, a little uneasy as they know this masterclass will focus on their body language and how it shapes their leadership presence. An extremely important topic, as leadership presence doesn’t automatically come with a leadership title. The nonverbal cues you use however, can make or break your leadership effectiveness.

They assess their credibility, and we discuss the signals that enhance this quality. We tune into building authentic connections and address the trust indicators essential for a warm first impression. We then shift our focus to competence and how our reptilian brain instinctively perceives people with unconfident body language as less competent.
By the end, they are excited to have uncovered a whole new level of communication, which they can now use in their interactions with others—both at work and in their social life.

Thank you Richard Westbroek and ChamoiX Coaching & Development for organizing this masterclass!

A Body language training in Nature with Endress and Hauser

In the middle of the heat wave, the top managers of Endress and Hauser came to Chamonix for a week to address leadership development topics. I had the privilege to work as an executive coach and a nonverbal communication expert within this amazing program.

Leadership presence, your nonverbal appearance is a blending of personal and interpersonal skills that when combined, send all the right signals, and make you STAND OUT as a leader (Goman, 2022).

You show it when you walk into a room, when you show up at a meeting, when you present, and when you listen. It affects how you make others feel, and how effectively you communicate with the people around you.

Leadership presence is not:

1. An attribute that is automatically assigned to you because of your title or business results.

2. It is not necessarily reflective of your true leadership qualities or potential. For example, you may be highly credible but that doesn’t necessarily guarantee that people perceive you as such. Especially if you have communication habits that make you seem less credible than you are.

Instead, Presence depends entirely on how other people evaluate you. It’s what they say about you after you’ve left the room. Knowing how to influence people’s perception of you requires a deep understanding of the impact of your appearance, your body language, your emotional state, and your communication style.

The leaders of Endress and Hauser got an insight in their leadership presence. It was an honour to work with such inspiring people!

Voorlichting Fontys Hogescholen

Een online voorlichting geven voor je hogeschool. Hoe doe je dat eigenlijk? Hoe bereid je je presentatie voor? Welke setup is het meest effectief? Hoe zorg je voor een warme en zelfverzekerde indruk? En wat is de beste manier om informatie over te brengen? 

Samen met Mario Paiano maakte ik een voorlichtingsfilm voor Fontys Hogescholen waarin zowel de technische setup als de meest effectieve lichaamstaal voor virtuele communicatie aan bod komt. De hoogte van je camera, je kleren, je handsignalen, je licht en je camera keuze. Na 19 korte filmpjes opnemen is het resultaat prachtig! Dankjewel Mario voor de fijne samenwerking.

International Prezi Webinar

It was amazing to share my knowledge and experience in this Prezi event! People from all over the world attended which was nerve wrecking and exciting at the same time! Why did Prezi ask me to participate in their webinar series?

Well, an incredible amount of studies shows that hybrid working is here to stay. The question is not: am I going to embrace this way of working, but: which changes do I need to make to optimise my online presence and guarantee the impact of my message? One of these changes is attention to your nonverbal cues as they come less natural to us in online interactions than in face to face conversations. 

In this event we looked at the different nonverbal signals that create a strong presence in all your virtual meetings.

Thank you Naba Ahmed for the invitation and all your help. Thank you Prezi for your great product!

Some reactions of the people who were there…

Dear Ms. Toussaint, I participated to your webinar about online presentations last week. I learnt so many different things. I’d like to thank you very much for this valuable webinar one more time. Have a great day.
Best regards, S. Gök

Attended your presentation last week and found it refreshingly useful, pragmatic and helpful at a time when so much info seems to be getting thrown at folks. Thank you so very much.
D. Adelberg

Dear Ted, I just watched your prezi-clip about the power of non-verbal communication and loved it!
A. Momber

Happy Hormones!

 The managing directors of Pharma Partners had some burning questions: how do I enhance the engagement of my interaction partners during virtual meetings? How do I keep them emotionally involved and have fun together?

The answer: Happy Hormones!
You need to use enough and the right verbal AND nonverbal signals that trigger the release of neurotransmitters that create a sense of pleasure (dopamine), connection (oxytocin) and appreciation (serotonin). When people connect to you and understand you, they like to be with you and pay attention to you.

In two sessions we covered and practiced essential body language signals to release these hormones from the moment the camera is turned on to the very end of a virtual meeting.

It was very exiting and fun to work with all these inspiring people. Their engagement and enthusiasm was contagious. The photo shows how much these sessions improved their online presence.

Wishing them all the best while practising these important professional interaction skills. 

A big thanks to United Talent for organising these sessions and to Prezi for letting me use their great products!

Great online leadership sessions with Eurapco!

The enthusiasm of the Eurapco participants in the 2 body language training sessions was contagious! The more awkward the exercise, the more fun we had! Trying out new hand gestures amidst all your dear colleagues, counting the words in your voice recording to determine your optimal talking speed or just looking at others to describe their nonverbal presence. The nonverbal successes were countless and so valuable for their future online interactions.

A huge thanks to United Talent BV for making this possible. To Eurapco for their trust. To Prezi for creating great presentations with me and to Sylvia van Eeden for the fun time we had preparing these masterclasses!
#bodylanguagetraining #onlinepresence #hybridworking #beyondexpression #nonverbalcommunication #lichaamstaal #nonverbalecommunicatie

Masterclass voor Prezi

Onlangs werkte ik intensief samen met het Prezi team om een fantastische presentatie voor te bereiden voor al hun medewerkers. Lorraine faciliteerde de hele sessie op een zeer professionele manier en het was geweldig om met haar samen te mogen werken. Hieronder lees je haar review na de presentatie. Dankjewel Lorraine en alle mensen die erbij waren!

Beyond Expression body language training Prezi

I had the pleasure of organizing (and moderating) a masterclass with Ted for Prezi employees. Ted was an amazing guest speaker, and is truly an expert in the field of body language and nonverbal communications. The success of the event was evident in the rave reviews she received after the event, as well as the level of engagement and questions that were asked during the event itself. As one attendee aptly put it: 

“This talk should be mandatory viewing for anyone who ever presents through Zoom. (Ie: All of us!)”

Beyond the presentation itself, it was easy to coordinate with Ted over email and video and to exchange ideas with each other for how to make the presentation as engaging as possible for attendees. She was a joy to work with, and we already want to bring her back for an external-facing webinar for our audience.’
Lorraine K. Lee


Het is 2:30. Midden in de nacht.
De lichten schijnen scherp in mijn ogen en ik doe mijn best om mijn slaperige haar in model te krijgen.
Mijn hond vraagt zich af waarom ik me toch zo druk maak.


Onze communicatie training over je stemgebruik, woordkeuze en lichaamstaal in video interacties wordt bijgewoond door een internationaal publiek van Sydney tot Shanghai en San Francisco tot New York.

En mijn huis staat in het midden. Dus hier is het vroeg!
Het was een voorrecht om te werken met zo veel enthousiaste en ambitieuze professionals.

Dankjewel Jessica Chen en Wendy LeBorgne voor de fijne samenwerking en inspiratie. Dankjewel Prezi voor het maken van prachtige slides voor ons!

Digital Nomads en hun lichaamstaal

Samen met Suzanne Koolen van Meetings in the Sun, mocht ik een geweldig leuke Q&A verzorgen voor enthousiaste zelfstandigen die al voor de Corona gekozen hadden om remote te werken omdat het beter bij hun levensstijl past. Veel mooie vragen, voorbeelden en inspiratie om een sterke online verbinding te maken door krachtige en warme lichaamstaal.

beyond expression lichaamstaal training digital nomads, meetings in the sun

In juni is er weer een twee-daagse training waarin we bewust stilstaan bij jouw non-verbale uitstraling en kijken we hoe je de signalen van anderen beter kan leren lezen. Leuk om je daar te ontmoeten!
Kijk snel bij de training: Nonverbale- intelligentie


Leidershap communicatie in online interacties

Wat is het gaaf om deel te zijn van dit fantastische communicatie partnership!
Samen met twee Amerikaanse communicatie experts verzorgen we een exclusieve training om je online voorkomen naar een hoger niveau te tillen. We laten je zien hoe je online beter kan praten, klinken en er overtuigend en warm uit te zien.

1 Training – 2 Uur – 3 Experts

Jessica Chen – CEO Soulcast Media communications en Emmy Award winning reporter
Wendy LeBorgne – Voice pathologist
Ted Toussaint – Body Language expert en Gedragswetenschapper

Join us here!
Vast een voorproefje waar ik aandacht aan besteed in deze training!