Use your hands in online interactions

On the 6th of May, Bron, a digital newsletter from Fontys University of Applied Sciences, published an article about my online training. Since then, I helped many lecturers and students to increase their online impact. Great fun! We talked about a good set up, a professional online first impression and competent and warm nonverbal signals during a presentation. So happy that I can help people to show the very best of themselves in every online interaction!

Look here for the article (in Dutch):

Personal online training in Bodylanguage

For an English version of this post, scroll down!

Op basis van een vrijwillige bijdrage omdat ik iedereen deze life skills gun

“Raar hoor, zo online lesgeven”
“Ik weet me eigenlijke geen houding te geven in een video call”
“Hoe weet ik nu vanaf een computerscherm of mijn cliënt begrijpt wat ik bedoel?”

Herkenbare uitspraken? Met veel plezier deel ik waardevolle tips om jouw non-verbale impact op het scherm te vergroten.

Nu we allemaal in toenemende mate online vergaderen, lesgeven en gesprekken voeren met cliënten of klanten, wordt ‘online’ lichaamstaal essentieel om jouw boodschap goed over te brengen. Mensen geloven namelijk wat ze zien! Ook op jouw computerscherm.

Ik wil je graag helpen om je comfortabel en zelfverzekerd te voelen in al jouw online interacties.  Leer hoe jouw non-verbale signalen je woorden beter kunnen ondersteunen en hoe jij de lichaamstaal van anderen juist kan interpreteren.

Omdat ik graag wil helpen in deze bizarre tijden en iedereen deze belangrijke vaardigheden gun, bepaal jij wat je doneert voor datgene wat je hebt geleerd!

Duur:              1 uur, online
Datum            In overleg, op een moment dat het jou uit komt.

Bericht delen? Ja graag! Dan kan ik nog meer mensen helpen!

Meer weten over lichaamstaal?

Personal online training in Body language

‘Strange, an online webinar’.
‘Where do I look when I am in an online meeting’
‘How do I show the other person that I am when I am not there?’

In a personal training, I will share usefull tips to increase your non-verbal impact on your screen. Your body language is essential in getting the right message across as people believe what they see. And right now, all they see is your screen!

With useful tips I help you to feel comfortable and confident in all your online interactions. You will learn how your body language can underline the impact of your verbal message. Beside this, we dive into the science of encoding the signals that the person on the other side of the screen is sending you.

Duration:       1 hour, online
Date            At a convenient moment for you
Costs: You donate for the value you think it is worth, as I want everyone to learn these life skills

Training for Entrepreneurs

I was privileged to work with ten highly motivated entrepreneurs in a great setting to talk about the power of non-verbal communication! They are now aware of nonverbal signals to quickly gain trust from their clients and ways to ensure that all their communication is exactly as they intend it to be. After some practice, they acquired the nonverbal skills to come across as an authentic, warm and competent professional. Enjoyed their enthusiasm immensely!

Training Fysiochallenge

This year started off with a great body language training for a small group of enthusiastic physiotherapists @Fysiochallenge. We practiced nonverbal signals to build trust in their first impression and during conversations with patients. Essential skills as patients are expected to share personal information within a very short time and accept the physiotherapist in their intimate proxemics zone. Additionally, we addressed how to decode nonverbal signals of their patients to be better able to attend to their needs. Hilarious, meaningful and awkward moments while practicing these important life skills!